
Rheinisches Archiv für Künstlernachlässe

Rheinisches Archiv fuer Kuenstlernachlaesse
(Rhenish Archive for Artists’ Legacies)

Place of Business

Floßweg 55
53179 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)228 93299935


Foundation Director – Daniel Schuetz

Daniel Schütz (Chairman)
Jörg Vahlenkamp

Indicated Foundation Control Board : Bezirksregierung Koeln
Regional Government Office, Cologne
Steuernummer: 206/5875/0426

Liability Information:

Information offered on this web site cannot be stored, copied or distributed without the written consent of the directorate. The used picture material is subject to the copyright of the Foundation, or, in some cases, that of the artist’s family. Despite all due efforts to achieve consistence, completeness and accurateness of the information, the directorate cannot be liable for the content of this web site. All content of linked pages is the sole responsibility of their owner.

Data protection declaration

The protection of your personal data and data security are an important concern for us. We comply with all legal regulations relating to data protection and data security. Please refer to Datenschutz for information about the kind, extent and purpose of the collection and use of your personal data.